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The Lost City 2022 Movies - MoviesJoy

The plot of the action comedy "The Lost City MoviesJoy" revolves around an expressive beauty named Loretta Sage, who prefers to lead a secluded lifestyle. She voluntarily imprisoned herself within four walls in order to write an adventure novel. A significant part of her upcoming creation is devoted to love vicissitudes. The action is transferred to an exotic country. The handsome handsome Dash becomes the key character of the book. In life, he is taken to embody the successful young man Alan, who is a sought-after model. He is not the first time to show off on a book cover. 

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After writing a love-adventure work, Loretta will have to go on tour and hold a presentation. She is accompanied by the charming Alan. A suddenly gifted writer is kidnapped by a cynical billionaire. The extravagant rich man seriously believes that she can help him get countless treasures. The talented recluse mentioned them in her novel. Her worried companion decides to get Sage out of trouble and prove to the general public that he is capable of heroic deeds. After a series of adventures, the glorious couple find themselves in the impenetrable jungle and find out that the fictional town actually exists.